Hi, hem... I... I... I... I don't have a... A lot of... Of... Of time... And... And... I have kinda been runnin across the country and... And I don't know where to start they're... They're... They're gonna... They... They'll triangulate on this position really really soon but... Ok... Ok well... Well we're thinking of as... They... They're... They're extra... Unnatural being that... An earlier precursor of the... The contact with... They... They... They are not what they claim... To be... They have infiltrated a lot of... A... Of... A... A lot of aspects of... Of... They... They're coming... They... They're behind... The... The government knows about them... And... There's a lot of... Safe areas in this world that... Take... In... Moving population to... Now... They are not... They want to bid your populations centers... Way out... If you... Are left... We'll be more... Easily... Controllable...
You are sleeping, you do not want to believe.
You are sleeping...