Monday, May 28, 2007

It's Out There And It's Gonna Get You

Hi, hem... I... I... I... I don't have a... A lot of... Of... Of time... And... And... I have kinda been runnin across the country and... And I don't know where to start they're... They're... They're gonna... They... They'll triangulate on this position really really soon but... Ok... Ok well... Well we're thinking of as... They... They're... They're extra... Unnatural being that... An earlier precursor of the... The contact with... They... They... They are not what they claim... To be... They have infiltrated a lot of... A... Of... A... A lot of aspects of... Of... They... They're coming... They... They're behind... The... The government knows about them... And... There's a lot of... Safe areas in this world that... Take... In... Moving population to... Now... They are not... They want to bid your populations centers... Way out... If you... Are left... We'll be more... Easily... Controllable...

You are sleeping, you do not want to believe.
You are sleeping, you do not want to believe.
You are sleeping...

Friday, May 25, 2007

Singing in the rain

Il y a des jours où on assiste à des scènes complètement surréelles, décalées, voire burlesques...
Aujourd'hui, je suis heureux de vous présenter la naïveté japonaise poussée à son paroxysme :

"l'Homme qui lavait la chaussée sous la pluie"

Some days are specials, because you can witness some surrealist or farcical scences...
Today, it is my pleasure to introduce japanese naivety at its height :
"The Man who was cleaning the street in the rain"

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Welcome to Blogule Gland!

Bienvenue à Osaka!
Vous êtes ici chez moi, mais faîtes comme chez vous...
Voilà maintenant 1 mois que je suis de retour au Japon, avec quelques idées pour un petit blog, juste histoire de donner de mes nouvelles d'une manière ou d'une autre, quand j'ai le temps et quand j'y pense (ce qui n'est pas gagné). Alors nous y voilà, je mets ça en route avec une chouette photo de la vue que j'ai la chance d'avoir de mon balcon. C'est Umeda, l'un des quartiers les plus actifs d'Osaka, aussi vivant de nuit que de jour, et bien plus joli de nuit vu d'ici.
C'est donc devant cette image (la vue, pas cette photo) que je bulle en moyenne une heure tous les soirs. Et croyez-moi ça fait du bien!
Bref, j'aurais l'occasion d'en reparler, ce n'est qu'une vague introduction que j'approfondirais la prochaine fois.

Welcome to Osaka!
This is my home but make yourself at home...
It's been a month that I'm back in Japan now, with some ideas to put in a blog, just to give some news in one way or another, when I have time and when I remember this blog exists. So here we go, I start the adventure with a picture of the view I can enjoy from my balcony. This is Umeda, one of the most active area in Osaka, seething with activity night and day, and beautiful by night from here.
So it's in front of this (the view I mean) that I laze one hour per night on average. And that's great, belive me!
Anyway I'll tell you more about that, this is only an introduction, I'll add some more next time.